
Integrating modern science & ancient wisdom to support your transformation

The body stores everything so through it we often gain direct access to important self-knowledge. Tuning into this self-knowledge can help us find the truth of what’s happening for us as well as the path to release unhelpful energies and narratives stuck in our field. When our true nature comes to the surface, it’s often intertwined with the agency to release what binds us. Informed by this conceptualization, I invite and hold sacred, safety, compassion, love, wisdom, truth, & protection as you exercise your birthright to join in the ancient practice of finding your own path.

My style is best explained as the intersection of modern science, ancient wisdom, & impeccable ethics. I work with a broad variety of individuals, couples, and groups valuing the intuition of “fit”. I have a special focus on couples & affection for neurodistinct individuals & their partners. I also bring forth my specialized training and experience to work with companies wanting to improve or heal relationships within their executive team. Both ketamine and plant medicine can accelerate and assist.

We all have the innate capacity to heal! I am humbled and grateful to create a safe space you can prepare for, sit with, and make sense of your experience. I will be with you every step of the way. X Jill

Jill Corvelli, PhD

Life is a balance between holding on & letting go



As you view the below offerings, please know that they all require a thorough assessment to uncover eligibility & fit. There is no guarantee of results and your discovery will include using multiple sources to explore the pros & cons, benefits & risks to make an informed decision that is right for you.

2catharsis & Jill Corvelli is grounded in the safe, ethical, legal use of plant & compound allies and relies on research & collaboration with skilled professionals to offer access to the potential benefits of this fast-growing space. All offerings on this page reflect services within her certification, licensure, and scope of ethical & legal practice. Reach out to learn more!


Feeling stuck in some aspect of your life? Navigating a transition? Trying to tap into create parts? Suspect you could benefit from a neuroplasticity reset? Or, hoping to explore deeper parts of yourself and their patterned relationships with each other? Let’s make lasting shifts that are in alignment with how you want to be experiencing your life.


What stage of relationship are you navigating? Are you in early stages wanting to deepen your experience of each other? Are you in the challenging stage of differentiation.. negotiating connection-communication-conflict and trying to tolerate your differences? Are you in later stages wanting to co-explore meaning-making? No matter what stage I got you. Low-dose ketamine work especially can accelerate a couples work.


When we find a group authentically aligned with our same “why” we can have powerful transformative new experience of ourself as we get to reflect not only on our inner world, but also the worlds shared by others. Group work in non-ordinary realms offer 2 amplifiers for change: the group and the plant or compound ally. It is a powerful modality that cultivates belonging & healing.

Groups in this space are not process groups, but rather intervention groups meaning there will be preparation, an inner healing experience, and a chance to integrate the experience in community.


All groups of humans are on a developmental path when in relationship- its an expected and known phenomenon yet often catches organizations off guard and can become a major business risk when they don’t get the right type of support to conceptualize and negotiate their differences. They can become stuck in relating from their defenders as opposed to from the self. Escalation, avoidance, and primitive tactics-of-relating can easily set in. A template for more skillful-relating during thoughtful preparation may help. For eligible individuals and contexts, partnering with the accelerator of low-dose “relational” ketamine or a plant medicine experience might deliver the autonomic reset and perspective shift needed, serving as a double-amplifier for the integration of lasting, impactful change.


The Sacred: Ketamine-assisted work is a powerful practice that often accelerates one’s efforts and can disrupt depression and anxiety when nothing else seems to work. This molecule has shown the unique capacity to inhibit the fight-flight reflex, open one up to repressed emotional states, release trauma held in the body, and soften defenses. The disassociative state can allow users to take an unbiased look at themselves and see unconscious influences implicated in their thoughts and behavior.

The Science: Ketamine triggers glutamate release into the synapse and rapidly up-regulates the release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). Aptly called fertilizer for the brain, BDNF is a protein that helps promote the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons—in other words, it enhances neuroplasticity. Regrowth of dendritic spines can happen within a few hours of a therapeutic ketamine dose. When atrophied neurons are repaired & connections with other neurons re-established, symptoms of depression and anxiety often improve.


The Sacred: An ancient entheogen long known to activate innate healing, creativity & remove obstacles to parts of self hidden from view. While science has learned much about this ancient path, there are many synergistic components of entheogens that add to one’s experience and remain unknown.

The Science: The plant medicine legal in Oregon largely stimulates serotonin 2A receptors in the brain and while research is in its early stages, it suggests a change in neuroplasticity. One study showed a single dose led to a 10% increase in dendritic spine size & density within 24 hours that was sustained 1 month later. The study reported demonstrated synaptic rewiring, which was fast & enduring. [Neuron Volume 109, Issue 16, 18 August 2021, Pgs 2535-2544.e.4; rapid and persistent growth of dendritic spines in frontal cortex in vivo; Ling-Xiao Shao, Clara Liao, & et al.]

Jill prepared us well for our 1st experience. Partner 1: I feel like myself again, and have a lot more patience for my partner to be themselves without it bothering me or getting my nervous system all whipped up like it used to. Partner 2: I feel hopeful and connected and like I’m ok in the world, which helps me show up as my best self
— couples self-identifies ND-NT partners
I felt very understood and safe with Jill. I visited with people I love- both passed and alive- I now feel more confidently connected to them and myself. I realized things about myself that were just out of my reach prior to this.
— client self-identifies as autistic individual
I tapped into things I knew about myself so deeply but couldn’t actually access until I journeyed... I thought I was a piece of shit but turns out I’m really sensitive and loving and worthy. My nervous system must have reset because I’m no longer quick to anger or think the worst. There’s still so much to process
— ketamine client self identifies- struggled with self-confidence and social anxiety
the send off, the music, the rituals, the safety I felt going into such a vulnerable space. I had so many insights that freed me from energy sucks and shame and avoidance
— ketamine client self-identifies NT partner


  • Book a no charge 30-minute consultation with me and we will decide together your path and make a clear plan forward.

  • Jill is qualified to support clients in preparation and integration AND sit and hold space for them in dosing. These roles do not always need to be congruous; we decide together the right combination and definition of roles. Jill has trusted partners she often suggests clients consider if that’s what’s right for them.

  • Jill is qualified to support clients in Ketamine Assisted Therapy in the states of OR, WA, & NJ. There will always be a separate assessing & prescribing medical professional she can refer you to

  • It depends! Your intentions and the present level of safety between you are the main drivers. We decide together in preparation. I usually have a strong suggestion. There are numerous variations of experience in couples work.

  • Prices for individual-

    Plant Medicine: Up to 8-hours + 1 hr preparation= $800. Must add on service center costs

    KAP up to 3 hours $500

    Additional prep or integration $200

    NOTES: Inquire for couples/groups

    I highly value accessibility in this work! Please note there ar some sliding scale slots available for NOSC work- please inquire!


You who want knowledge, seek the Oneness within

There you will find the clear mirror already waiting

-Hadewijch (13th century)